martedì 14 agosto 2012

Lisa Kristine: Photos that bear witness to modern slavery.

Browsing the Ted talks one title happened to hit my curiosity this is:"Witness to modern slavery".
Having a basic knowledge of the term "slavery" I decided to listen to Mrs Kristine's talk. 

As she begun talking, the tone of her voice already made me feel the emotions and pain she felt in her experiences of professional photographer of indigenous people. She took part in the association of "Free the slavery", as she had been given a truly definition and reality of the worl SLAVERY.

I would like to list some points of her talk which really are heartbreaking, also to remind me of every single aspect of the slavery which must not be forgotten:

As she begun talking the frase which made me think is that as time goes by slavery hits the life of people, leaving them with no hopes and fear of living.
Around 27 million of people are affected by slavery and most them eredit it from the parents due to false promises of freedom and in most cases just because they cannot walk away. 

Some days it happens to us to complain, or be upset, sad or nervous...unhappy of our lifestyle. Of course, pain and suffer is personal and changable, but the difference with those people is that they do not have a CHOICE. Some time they do not even think of changing their life because they do not know that there could be another possibilty of life. She got to know the story of a group of women who when fighting for freedom they have been frighten by the slave holders who burn down all their houses. Ready to give up, one woman incouraged them to go ahead and fight for their thanks to her they are paid for their work in freedom. This showed us that slavery can be challenged if we are determinated, together, to succeeded. 
Sex is a scary reality which affects million of people. Women are trupped in restaurants, into small room where they have to intertain the clients. Mrs Kristine was shown one of those places and she describe the atmosphere as a "Quick, Hot Fear". No doors and windows to escape.
Many American children are sold for sex and we do not see it. Everything is around us. 

Every body knows that a constant exposure to dye is toxic. Well slaves die for it. They live in the hope to find a place where they can get paid for their dying. 
Many children are slaved for fishing, because they have small hands which are suitable for this "employment". However, many of those children does not know how to swimm so they drown. 
Extraction of gold is done with the use of mercury which is highly toxic. Men, women and babies, work in gold mines under extreeme conditions and constantly exposed to mercury. 
They spend around 72 hours underground, and though at first glance they seem to have a powerful body, closer their bodies show how their work prosciugate them, leaving them with illness and pain. 

This is just a summery of this huge monster which afflicts the life of millions of people. To cite what Lisa said 'if all of us thought that we are all the same then slavery would not exist'. 
She wants to light up a fire on slavery so to burn it. There are people in the world, new borns who need us, our help to improve their life, to get a chance in this life. 

I consider myself lucky for all I have and after today I will not complain for anything which at the eyes of a slave baby would be meaning to be lucky. My aim is to become a bright neurosurgeon and therefore offering my help wherever it is needed. Where a doctor can heal, where a patient is asking I want to be ready to be there. This is the strength which made me fight me for my future. The aim to help people, sharing their pain not to make them feel lonely. Yes I admire Mrs Kristine who is giving herself to fight  for our fellows being.

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