sabato 30 giugno 2012

Work Experience


Today I learned how a gall bladder and quadrant of breast with lymph's glands of the underarms                                                           look like. I also saw a part of a colon and a huge cyst on an ovary. 
I saw how a tumour looks like in the breast and i lean red that when the lymph nodes are swallowed it means that the tumour infiltrates there, they have swallowed due to its presence. The tumour appeared hard when touching it, its colour was white/grey, and its shape was irregular and was infiltrating the surrounding. 

I asked my sister to have a look at my blog and she criticised the fact that using a scalpel was the best experience of my life, adding that I was insensitive towards patients. Actually, I cannot change it because it was the best experience. I am aware of the fact that people are in pain but to undertake the pain doctors have to love their jobs, and I loved using a scalpel because it allowed me to see what was inside, to analyse the organ and look for a cure. Moreover, at the moment I took the scalpel I became cold, rational, all my attention was focused on the instructions of the analyst and the organ in font of me.  

Attending this work experience is teaching me many aspects of the world of medicine, and step by step it is introducing me in the painful aspects of it. I asked to be present on the day in which they will inform the patient of the possible metastasis. 

mercoledì 27 giugno 2012

Work Experience


Today was the best day of my life....I used a SCALPEL!!!! 
I, personally, cut organs and help analysts to analyse the pieces. I have been under examination and i was given an uterus to take care of, so i opened it and cut into pieces to be analysed.

So I took three pieces of the uterus to be examined, these are:
1) Sample of the myoma present in the uterus;
2) Sample of the ovaries and attached;
3) Sample of the cervix.

I left them into formalin to then me dehydrated into different concentrations of alcohol. Afterwards, I will put them into paraffin, and as the tissues had been dehydrated they easily absorb the paraffin, which will wax them so to be cut into thin slices and put them into slide to analyse them under microscope.

When i held the scalpel it was like all the anxieties and fears of not being able disappeared as soon as i got the scalp in my hands. My heart beat stabilised and i normally fallowed the instructions of the analyst. It was the best experience of my life. 
I saw two fetus, one of 1 months and the other of days. It was sad seeing a life without future. Therefore, a doctor there told me, Giulia do not worry think that he or she does not have to encounter school, teenager problems and life in general. They are little angels leaving this world, and to believers, to go to somewhere better. 

Medicine is a huge world were all pieces are in order, and when something takes place and changes this order i want to be able to put all the things back in order. Medicine is challenge, I love challenges... and today I love my uterus and my scalpel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lunedì 25 giugno 2012

Work Experience at Hospital

For the first time in my life, today, i was able to touch an organ which had undertaken visible changes in its structure. It was an uterus.

It was my first day of work experience in hospital, in a reality of the South of Italy, which is everything but pleasant, due to the low healthcare condition. The department where I had applied is Pathological Anatomy. The reason why I chose to begin with this department is because, though i had not seen a human body before, i wanted to start where all end. Where analysis and diagnosis are made.

I was able to see doctors analysing tissues belong to people who were still alive thanks to the prompt surgery. I saw an uterus of 16 was really impressing!!!! However, other organs belonged to dead people which are useful source for research.

I really liked the fact that in this department the help done by machines is quite limited, whereas in many other medical departments machines became fundamental, it seems moderns doctors depend on them.

Patients coming to this department had on their faces "hope", and what shocked me was that i asked a question to one of the analysts and it was: "do you have a favourite case?" he gave a positive answer. Therefore i asked: "could you take me through it, please?", and he said i do not remember it.
To another i asked why he chose medicine and he said because it was fashionable in my years.

I also heard them saying that dead people are the best to treat because they do not annoy you.

I made my reflections....... I am still thinking. Yes, each of us is different, each of us has a different story. Many people won't have the same level of culture, but doctors are there not to judge them but to heal them, give the correct amount of information they need. They are scared and need to be insured that someone is taking all the responsibilities to do the best he/she can to save a life.

I, also, was able to look at slides under microscopes. That was fascinating!!!
The intestines are amazing under microscope as well as the trachea... Medicine is a fascinating world.

I realised this work experience is making my will to undertake medical studies even stronger.